☝️ I admit that I am a bit of a geek. I haven’t watched television for almost 10 years, although that doesn’t stop me from staying informed about what’s happening in the world.
In fact, by doing so, I myself choose what I want to know and what I don’t, mainly through the online press.
And I insist on the geek thing because, sometimes, I get the urge to read articles and reports that go unnoticed by others
This is the case of the recent “Draghi Report for a more dangerous world.” You can find references to it simply by typing that quotation mark into our wise Google.
Additionally, and with what you know has just happened to us in Valencia, I think that telling you a few lines about it can make you think a little.
I summarize:
The “Draghi Report” is an analysis led by this Italian politician, in which Sauli Niinistö (former Prime Minister of Finland) also participated, in which he addresses, among others, the upcoming defense and energy security challenges that the European Union will undoubtedly face.
It is based on an exhaustive review (at least that is what he says) of the supply and defense systems based on the growing geopolitical risks
And why not (and I add this from my own invention), on the forces of unleashed nature, Climate Change or not.
And what does this mean for us, the citizens?
Well, the report suggests several things that I have found appropriate to share through this medium called LinkedIn.
One of them is that we should be prepared to survive at least three days with hardly any resources.
Another is that our children know what to do if their parents do not return home during those hours.
Or that we have an “emergency kit” at home, with flashlights, batteries, cans and basic provisions. Or, going further, that citizens take a step forward in their energy independence and add batteries to their self-consumption systems.
The latter, of course, has made me think. Almost all of us have experienced a more or less prolonged situation without electricity, and know what it means.
In the luxury homes in which I participate, energy self-sufficiency in case of emergency is already a reality.
We already know that nothing ever happens, until it happens.
And lately, it happens a lot… Or so we can read between the lines of the more than 400 pages of the report, which insists that its objective is not to generate alarm, but to strengthen citizen resilience and guarantee the continuity of essential services.
In my case, and having lived through a pandemic and the effects of chaotic nature, how could I not take a look at this type of report?
And you?
What do you think about them?