I don’t know if it is really the fault of COVID-19.

I don’t know if teleworking doesn’t work what it has to do with Electricity Distribution Companies.

I do not know if the personnel assigned to review the files is scarce…

What I know is that I have been trying for several weeks to close a Iberdrola demand for work file.  It has been something impossible…, and perhaps the time has come to incorporate the Responsible Declaration into the attributions of engineers or installers.

I am clear about some things… and I share them with you in case they can help you:

1) Good professionals who are on site know much more than the technicians who “tele-work” files. Better help them with photos, drawings and whatever comes to mind.

2) Trying to speak with the manager designated by the Electricity Distributor (Iberdrola in this case) is an impossible mission. Do not waste your time trying.

3) You probably never know who has been outsourced to manage your file. Don’t waste your time with this either.

4) Making annotations and claims on the Distribuidora intranet will only get the deadline for answering you to restart…

If the Responsible Declaration was implemented in the City Councils to shorten deadlines in the granting of building licenses… has the time come to do the same with the Eletricity Distribution Companies?